2007-09-08 - Mall Rats


~14 miles @ ~13 min/mi

Kabrena and Ken and I meet at 6:01am Saturday at the Thompson Boat Center but discover that parking meters there are hungry for more quarters than we have available to feed them. So Ken leads our caravan down the Potomac past the Kennedy Center where we find free on-street parking near the Lincoln Memorial. A crescent moon and brilliant Venus decorate the dawn sky. We jog the middle portion of the Marine Corps Marathon route — Kabrena is training for it, and maybe so is Ken — down one side of the National Mall and back along the other, then loop through Hains Point, cross the river on the 14th St Bridge, jog along the Mount Vernon Trail to Memorial Bridge, and return thence to our starting point, cooling down with an out-and-back to Thompson's Boat Center. Something I ate early this morning disagrees with me, so I visit portajohns near the Smithsonian castle and again along Hanes Point. Maybe it's one of those Snickers protein bars which, for unclear reasons, contain the artificial sweetner sucralose?

(correlates: PeripheralPunditry, 2008-06-15 - CCT Rambles, MarineCorpsOrdnance, ...)